The Bones Brigade Burlesque
The Bones Brigade Burlesque

The Bones Brigade Burlesque

Drifters Wharf (Gosford, NSW)
Friday, 4 April 2025 7:30 pm
20 days away
18 Plus

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General Admission 18+
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Ever heard the click of a high heel against the pavement, the scent of sweet yet dangerous perfume lingering in the air? The clash of leather against lace, each moment charged with temptation? Get ready for the ultimate thrill, where anarchy meets elegance, and every step is a statement.

Onya Bones proudly presents... The Bones Brigade Burlesque.

Featuring performances by:
Onya Bones
Frankie Fontaine
Salvador Darling
Eden Peaches
Misstaken Identity
Intermission minimal house set by Subliminal