HIGH VOLTAGE (The AC/DC Show) & BEYOND SALVATION (A Tribute To The Angels)
HIGH VOLTAGE (The AC/DC Show) & BEYOND SALVATION (A Tribute To The Angels)
Drifters Wharf Presents

HIGH VOLTAGE (The AC/DC Show) & BEYOND SALVATION (A Tribute To The Angels)

Drifters Wharf (Gosford, NSW)
Friday, 27 June 2025 8:00 pm
104 days away
18 Plus

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Early Bird 18+
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General Admission 18+
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Get ready to rock out at HIGH VOLTAGE, the ultimate tribute show for Australia's legendary band, AC/DC. If you think you can handle a night filled with thunderous riffs and electrifying energy, then you won't want to miss this. You'll be singing "Highway to Hell" before you even know it, and let's face it, who doesn't love an excuse to unleash their inner rock star? Grab your mates, throw on something black (or denim), and prepare to have a blast.

Beyond Salvation – The Angels Tribute show play all the hits and singles of one of Australia's greatest bands - THE ANGELS, faithfully recreating the antics of Doc Neeson from The ANGELS live shows and recordings. The Lead Singer, has been a massive Angels fan since 1977, when he saw them on Countdown Tv show performing “Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again”. He emulates the stage performance of his hero Doc Neeson, re-producing the same intros to songs as on live albums, giving the audience an authentic experience of “The Angels” live in concert

Let’s rock the Central Coast!!!